
Imperial Triumphant drop video for song “Eye Of Mars“

Imperial Triumphant drop video for song “Eye Of Mars“

Imperial Triumphant have released a music video for their new song .. “Eye Of Mars“. see link below on youtube and pick it up now on DR and streamers

Brendan McGown directed the video..

watch video here

The band themselves stated:

“It is seen through the ages that universal truth rises to the top. With this in mind, leaders of civilization are divided in control methods deployed through various mechanisms, some for the sake of humanity and some for the sake of interests that don’t necessarily benefit humanity. The sum total of the entire apparatus then reaches a boiling point, after which time agendas are revealed.

On a much higher level exists that which lies beyond the five senses, beyond the science and materialism matrix. Many sacred texts worthy of protection by the people have endured while existing in relative obscurity as allegory. The knowledge gets passed down through generational cycles and ultimately makes visible that collective connection in all the world and all of us. This lights up the consciousness with a venerable force like electricity and music.

‘Under the watchful eye, Mars slew the dragon, and seizing its teeth out of the great gaping mouth, scattered them broadcast like seeds unto us.’”

Imperial Triumphant drop video for song “Eye Of Mars“

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